Welcome to LAVOCE Contemporary School of Singing

La Voce (pron. la vo·ch·e) translation: ‘the voice’ in Italian

Specialising in the contemporary voice, our job at La Voce is not to make you sound like someone else, but to open up the true brilliance of each voice that is both distinct and memorable.

All too often a singer will fall into the trap of mimicking someone else’s voice; from their accent to even trying to copy every single note sung on the recording. While understanding the challenge to execute someone else’s performance, it only leaves us with a predictable and more often than not lifeless performance, focusing only on making it sound the same. You only have to watch the same recorded artist sing their song in a live situation to hear them sing it that little bit differently… and sometimes completely differently.

It’s this change in mind-set that empowers singers with their own interpretation of a song making for a much more personal and genuine performance.

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